Kuala Lumpur is a very modern city with some amazing architecture along the skyline ...
The Patronas Twin Towers were the tallest buildings in the world until 2004. They remain the tallest twin buildings in the world today ...
These are across the street from the Patronas Towers ... the cascading vines on the facade are pretty amazing.
Patronas Towers selfie ... everyone else was doing it ; p
Angela enjoying the infinity pool at our Airbnb.
Chris made our traditional gluten free lasagna for Xmas....
... & Ange ate most of it!!
Our massive roti dessert after some wonderful local food.
Dinner with Pascal, Allison and Pascal’s cousins, Alex and Mylene.
Durian! Some say it smells like rotten onions, turpentine or raw sewage ... so bad that it has been banned from many hotels and public places in SE Asia.
Not as stinky and awful as we expected ... but we did wear the plastic gloves they provided so we didn’t smell like durian for days.
The sunken garden at the Kuala Lumpur Botanic Garden
Channel of water with carp & monitor lizards swimming along it in the KL Botanic Garden ...
Hungry monitor lizard looking for lunch.
Here’s a gallery of photos from our visit to the Kuala Lumpur Butterfly Park.
The Rajah Brooke’s Birdwing.
The Birdwing is the national butterfly of Malaysia.
It was named after Sir James Brooke. Brooke was a British soldier and adventurer, who founded the Raj of Sarawak in Borneo. He ruled as the first White Rajah of Sarawak from 1841 until his death in 1868.
More beautiful bugs from the butterfly park ...
Once they land on you, they’re surprisingly hard to get off!
Yup ... this is something that nature created....
Walking sticks? Some of these are more like logs! Here’s a full lineup of them for your insect nightmares...